


Learn about diabetes with








YEAR 2023

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2023



Medical chat developed with Artificial Intelligence

Gather the knowledge of diabetes-related specialists: endocrinologists, nutritionists, psychologists, and therapists, in one place.

Helping the patient to identify the symptoms of their illness: what is happening to them and why. Proposing medical recommendations based on the patient's own experience.


Data Project


Team of one


Team of one


Team of one


Paper and pencil | Notion | Dropbox | Figjam | Google docs | Google forms | Miro | Octopus | Whimsical | Photoshop | Figma & Pitch


Paper and pencil | Notion | Dropbox | Figjam | Google docs | Google forms | Miro | Octopus | Whimsical | Photoshop | Figma & Pitch


Paper and pencil | Notion | Dropbox | Figjam | Google docs | Google forms | Miro | Octopus | Whimsical | Photoshop | Figma & Pitch


Roadmap | Desk research | Research questions| interviews | Surveys | Perspectiva 360º | User persona | User Journey | Braistorming | MosCow | Benchmark


Roadmap | Desk research | Research questions| interviews | Surveys | Perspectiva 360º | User persona | User Journey | Braistorming | MosCow | Benchmark


Roadmap | Desk research | Research questions| interviews | Surveys | Perspectiva 360º | User persona | User Journey | Braistorming | MosCow | Benchmark


Design Thinking


Design Thinking


15 days


15 days



Type 1 diabetes is a complex and tremendously individualized disease, which substantially complicates research.

Each patient must be educated in their own experience to reach self-awareness, allowing them to live in their own normality with the disease. The patient must begin a process of discovery with their body and the way they relate to the world, but it is a slow, frustrating process, full of doubts... And this is supported by our surveys, in which more than 75% of people express the immense change that diabetes has brought to their lives.

The interviewed patients emphasize the difficulty in the beginning. The complexity of assimilating so much information.

"Each patient must know themselves deeply, in order to give the appropriate response to their own reality."



We can see two key moments in a patient's life: - The moment of debut is a time of stress, confusion, and tension. - When maturity with the disease is reached, there is control of the factors that affect the patient's life: carbohydrate intake, sports, and insulin administration. There is a new scenario facilitated by the use of new technologies since new patients, who have been born using sensors to read their glucose levels, do not come to know how their body reacts to sugar highs and lows.


Visual Design

The application is designed with the needs of people with visual impairments in mind, as insulin deficiency can cause eye and kidney injuries.

Color accessible

To choose color variations, I opt for the LCH color model which offers similar perceived luminosities.

And I pursue triple A and a contrast ratio greater than 4.5, which guarantee readability in reading.

Readability in contrast

Two typefaces that offer contrast:

Orbikular: A classic serif designed by CoType Foundry.

Inclusive sans: Designed to ensure readability for all users.



Accelerate the learning curve of diabetes with iDrop

Accelerate the learning curve of diabetes with iDrop

Accelerate the learning curve of diabetes with iDrop

Through a guided conversation generated by AI, with the knowledge of the main health specialists related to diabetes, the patient is able to quickly understand their body and the symptoms of their disease.

Medical Topics

The application has predefined medical topics to start a conversation about a specific aspect.

Acquisition of self-awareness through writing, either by manual introduction or by using one of the quick responses offered by the application.

When we finish the conversation, iDrop offers medical recommendations based on the patient's own experience. Driven by the synchronization of different glucose measuring devices: sensor, glucometer...

Through a guided conversation generated by AI, with the knowledge of the main health specialists related to diabetes, the patient is able to quickly understand their body and the symptoms of their disease.

Medical Topics

The application has predefined medical topics to start a conversation about a specific aspect.

Acquisition of self-awareness through writing, either by manual introduction or by using one of the quick responses offered by the application.

When we finish the conversation, iDrop offers medical recommendations based on the patient's own experience. Driven by the synchronization of different glucose measuring devices: sensor, glucometer...

Through a guided conversation generated by AI, with the knowledge of the main health specialists related to diabetes, the patient is able to quickly understand their body and the symptoms of their disease.

Medical Topics

The application has predefined medical topics to start a conversation about a specific aspect.

Acquisition of self-awareness through writing, either by manual introduction or by using one of the quick responses offered by the application.

When we finish the conversation, iDrop offers medical recommendations based on the patient's own experience. Driven by the synchronization of different glucose measuring devices: sensor, glucometer...



When we finish the conversation, iDrop offers some medical recommendations based on the patient's own experience. Powered by the synchronization of different glucose measurement devices: sensor, glucometer…

When we finish the conversation, iDrop offers some medical recommendations based on the patient's own experience. Powered by the synchronization of different glucose measurement devices: sensor, glucometer…

When we finish the conversation, iDrop offers some medical recommendations based on the patient's own experience. Powered by the synchronization of different glucose measurement devices: sensor, glucometer…


Emotional analysis

iDrop performs an emotional analysis of the patient since feelings are a factor of influence in diabetes.

Thanks to the selection of tags with the mood and the identification of the degree in which they feel, the patient performs a necessary introspective look for the management of their disease.

Emotional analysis

iDrop performs an emotional analysis of the patient since feelings are a factor of influence in diabetes.

Thanks to the selection of tags with the mood and the identification of the degree in which they feel, the patient performs a necessary introspective look for the management of their disease.

Emotional analysis

iDrop performs an emotional analysis of the patient since feelings are a factor of influence in diabetes.

Thanks to the selection of tags with the mood and the identification of the degree in which they feel, the patient performs a necessary introspective look for the management of their disease.


Selection of mood through tags organized by semantic colors

Level of Emotion

Identification of the intensity of the selected sentiment through a circular control



iDrop Prototype

Prototype of the main flow of the application with a search for a topic for guided conversation and emotional analysis.

iDrop Prototype

Prototype of the main flow of the application with a search for a topic for guided conversation and emotional analysis.

iDrop Prototype

Prototype of the main flow of the application with a search for a topic for guided conversation and emotional analysis.